Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Where is my picture?" Says the husband

Right before we got married
Now I love my husband and hes my number one fan, but I didn't think about putting him in my blog because didn't think he would want me to talk about him. But since his comments last night I will give a little My husbands name is Tom and he is the best thing in my life. I met him during a life change. I was getting serious about my relationship with God and wasn't sure how any man would fit in my life at the time. I was moving when we met and he offered to help me. He didn't even know me. He just knew my name was Sarah and I had this one on one relationship with God. It was funny how he just came into my life and I wasn't even thinking about being with anyone. We hung out and I started going to church with him after my move. Within 2 months we married at him friends church. I didn't realise it at the time but it was a blessing. I know we couldn't possibly know each other good enough, or be ready for this leap. God doesn't make mistakes and this was his plan. God knew that knew that his strengths were my weaknesses, vise versa. During our years of marriage we have moved 5 times, had a daughter, lost a baby, lost my mother, and had people in and out of our lives. I have come to the conclusion that no matter what challenges arise we attack them head on together. I have enjoyed our life so far. I wouldn't change a thing. I love you Hubby! God gave me a Best Friend.

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